... the big news!
Please welcome the arrival of Ivan, my son! Ivan was born on April 23rd. Mommy, Daddy and big brother are very happy and proud of him.
Please welcome the arrival of Ivan, my son! Ivan was born on April 23rd. Mommy, Daddy and big brother are very happy and proud of him.
Ivan's birth brought with it a huge bout of creativity... new life seems to do that to me, it happened when I had Alessio as well.
I spend my evenings and nights, when Ivan sleeps, working in my atelier... last night I burned my finger with the hot glue gun at 1.30 am.
This room has become the heart of the house for me... it's still a work in progress, but now I can attend my projects in here instead of just organizing the place.
Where's the real doll?
Actually, the real doll is in the first two pictures, in the stroller... this is my reborn collection, or at least part of it. It's exciting having all of them out of boxes. I haven't enjoyed some of these babies in years, and it's time for a makeover for some of them.
That may be a good project for tonight at 1.30 am. ;)